
“Miss Eloïse,

Thank you for taking such good care of our daughter in her first exit from home. Le Soleil Infant Community was an amazing first place for her and it will always hold a special place in our hearts. Her time here was given her such a good base for her life-long learning. I know she has flourished here because of your dedication and the thoughtful child-centred place that is Le Soleil. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.”

— M-E.G and C.M

“Dear Madame Edith,

Time flies, Kyle has completed his three year cycle at Le Soleil Montessori School. Thank you so much for guiding him and for providing him with an environment to learn and to develop all the essential skills in these primary years. The strong foundation that Le Soleil has provided will give him an advantage in the years to come. Thank you for everything.”

— Silvia , Brian, and Kyle

“We are so grateful we found Le Soleil Montessori Infant Community for our child! Eloïse has so much knowledge and passion, and is such profound positive influence in our lives. Every aspect of the space was created with intention and is an ideal infant and toddler environment for learning, exploring, playing and growing! I highly recommend contacting Eloïse for more information.”

— Julie R.B.

“Merci infiniment pour votre dévouement aux enfants, l’amour d’apprendre que vous leurs transmettez et pour votre sens de l’humour!”

— Famille Leclerc

“Thank you for the time and effort that you have spent on Ella during the last three years that she has spent at your school. We are very happy with the strong social and educational foundation that you have helped to build. It is touching to see how much Ella cares for you.

Best regards,”

— Licia and Mark Amos

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“Many thanks to the entire Le Soleil staff, for your excellent work with our son. We are very pleased and impressed with the perfect facility and the top quality child education and child care that you provide to the children. We wish you all the best for your continuous success.

Thanks again, we will miss you all very much.”

— Joseph’s family

“Dear Madame Edith and staff,

Where do I start? I feel so lucky and grateful that Atul has been under your guidance these last three years. It is a very bitter sweet feeling that I have with Atul leaving Le Soleil to enter grade 1 in the fall. I have not taken for granted the safe, nurturing, and educational environment you provide for the children. Atul has become a respectful, compassionate, and confident individual.

Thank you for the bottom of my heart for all these things.”

— Dr. Nabib Singh

“I am privileged to have shared so many Mother’s Day celebrations with you! Thank you for taking such good care of Nathaniel and for teaching him with such patience and love.”

— Adelia, Kelly, Marcus, Isaac, Jacob, and Nathaniel

“Wishing you love, light, and laughter this holiday season. Thank you for all the effort and energy you invest in Sonay. We deeply appreciate the love you share with her and the impact you have on our lives. Big hugs.”

— Andrew, Suman, and Sonay

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